
A trusted partner supporting positive initiatives which offer solutions to pressing problems, creating change and progressing movement of like minded people. Together we make the difference.

Do more good

We are a community-focused business that supports and builds the economic, social and environmental vitality of local communities (UN SDG 8), so we are committed to:

  • Serve at least 75% local and independent clients or customers (measured by our annual revenue from customers within 50 miles of our operating centres)

  • Purchase at least 50% core products and services from local and independent suppliers (measured by our annual spend with suppliers within 50 miles of our operating centres)

  • Donate at least 5% of our time to community service and pro-bono activities (measured by the number of hours we contribute each year)

Consume less

We are an environmentally-conscious business that conserves the earth’s resources (UN SDG 12) and is committed to:

  • Achieve Net Zero by 2030 (measured by the reduction in our Scope 1+2+3 emissions from our 2021 baseline year)

  • Reduce our energy intensity (measured by our annual kWH / £Revenue)

  • Minimise our water usage and waste generation (we are still working on the best measures for this objective)

Work together

We are a fair employer that promotes engagement and achievement for its employees, so we are committed to:

  • Our continuing professional development (measured by the time we spend on learning and development each year)

  • Good governance and stakeholder engagement

  • Collaborating together to deliver sustainability goals (UN SDG 17)

Share success

We aim to be a financially successful business that grows year on year so we are committed to:

  • Work with as many customers as possible, to complement their leadership, offering our skills, knowledge and experience to support the drive to achieve their vision, mission and ambitions fostering revenue growth and job-creation

  • Share and publicise best practice in the community as widely as possible

  • Include sustainability in all of our assignments, raising awareness of impact through our reporting

Advocate for change

We use our influence to engage business leaders who want to understand what it means to be sustainable and we challenge them to set their own targets and actions, so we are signatories to:

We are committed to taking small steps which is why we participate in the Dorset Sustainable Palm Oil Community project. We have checked to ensure if palm oil is present in for example the biscuits we have in our office, it is from sustainable sources.  By doing so, we know that we are fighting climate change and also helping to protect wildlife around the world from the impact of unsustainable agricultural practices.

We do not fund any research, industry or charitable organisations